this last thursday i skipped my first class here at gsa: my classical etching elective could not compete with an offer from my friend michael white to visit his small village and home! (i had cleared the absence with my tutor before hand, don't worry!)
i got up early to take the half hour train. it had snowed during the night, making the views absolutely beautiful. glasgow's central train station, my point of origin, is like what you see in old french animations: huge, full of milling people and luggage, all made of light blue stained glass and steel. michael's station was a little brick house with a foot bridge! he met me and we made the half hour walk to his house. on the way i asked to poke through the town cemetery and we got to talking about aboriginal theology, japan, and the people in his town. lovely lovely.
after a quick tea at his house, we set off a'walking. this walk was the purpose of the trip. see the country, get worn out, learn about this new person. following the hill's many gravel paths and farm roads we saw all sorts of birds and animals, met some neighbor's and their dogs, saw from above the city of glasgow. it is hard to remember just how small scotland is until you can see the coast, the country, and the city in one view.
here is a jumble of photographs i took haphazardly while walking.
train ride!
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